Sunday 5 February 2012

Memories of YLP

Never got a chance to reply back to you guys, so here the reply for the letters from the incredible 3 week long YLP Journey. Miss you all <3

" you are swyt... :)"
You are sweeter :D

I'm definitely guessing who you are :P I loved the time spent more than words can describe and I will miss you all the more, every minute of every day :)

"Hi Nawaf! You're brave and intelligent guy, and a funny guy too. i remember your "acting" very well :P I'll miss you! really! you are very smart guy too! you know when to be serious and not. Always keep in touch :)"
Lets not talk about the acting, not one of the highlights of my life :P Thanks for all the compliments and we shall definitely keep in touch :)

" Hi friend. Hope we'll be friends... Nothing much to say I hope you'll be a nice friend :)"
Once a friend always a friend and believe me when I say you are Nicer :D

"Dear Nawaf, It's absolutely great to have you here, you are a great help though you don't realise it :P"
Your presence here makes every moment here all the more worthwhile. Miss vey :)

"Nice SMILE :D"
This is a First! Thanks :)

"I guess you can be the best participant of this YLP..."
I believe everyone of us here is a First and a Best in our own very special ways, You, Me, Everyone is a Best! Rankings are just a number.

"hey sexy! Woah! The way you talk makes me want to go and give you a big hug. You are just irresistable. You look good in black so do wear black often. Love The girl in red <3"
More coming with every colour in the Rainbow! and i feel like hugging you and never letting you go <3 and you make my heart skips a beat everytime. Black... Thanks, will definitely wear that more often then :D

"Dear Navaf. You're very friendly and there's somehere who secretly admires you and trust me she's cute. I'll be writing to you in these 3 weeks to let you know who she is and trust me its not me. Love, The girl in green."
Green, Kewl. Too bad the three weeks went by before I could guess who it was :( anyways hope I figure out who it was someday :)

"Babe, I was wrong. Black is not the best colour on you.It's green. Loved that green shirt. I do wish we could go to the spa alone and 'enjoy'. Love, The girl in orange. Ps: Are you single?"
Orange the color of Oranges :D I Love Oranges!!  You should have totally told me that green was the color before I could have brought more greens than blacks. Too sad we never got to go to the spa to 'enjoy'. and Yes I am very much still Single.

"Dear Nawaf, You are so so funny and you will be always dearly remembered. You are extremely smart and talented. I remember you telling the first day that you don't usually socialise well with people, but seeing you here doesnt feel like that at all because here you are a funnier and more "perverted"  version of yourself. I'm glad to know the sensitive side of you. I loved both your poems and I hope to read more of your poems in future. You are super funny and you can make me laugh always. You are a friend that I will always remember and cherish. I will remember all the time you made me laugh and the conversations we had. You're an awesome person and I sincerely hope, that you will succeed in life. I really like your accent and the way you talk in dhivehi. Despite being a "hottie" I know that you're a very friendly and fun and sweet person who cares a lot about their friends. I respect you for that. You have been an inspiration to me and I will forever remember you. I hope that we will always stay as great friends. Sorry that this letter is so girly and that my handwriting is horrible I swear, it's not THIS BAD! Love you always! lots of love,"
Dear X ;) I will never give you time to miss me cause ill make sure to bother you every once in a while. Thanks for all the compliments. Apparently I love being the Perverted myself :) Will sure send you any poem which I do write too bad theres not enough inspiration around anymore. And I can assure you that if i do tend to live upto the dreams i cherish you all will be an important part of me reaching there. The accent and the "hottie" thing are definitely firsts in the compliment list. You are an inspirtation. Be yourself, its always the best being oneself.

"<3 Nawaf~ Dear Mr. Future Secretary General of the UN =P. This is a letter Im writing yo you to remember me by. Your letter is special & in RED because you're Special too. =). I do have high hopes for you. Before I met you I thought there could hardly be anyone who works as hard to achieve their goals as me. ( *foni vefa*) But you changed that for me =P. Anyways, You're a really great guy. I really really like you. =) I enjoy spending time with you. You're funny & sweet and damn your poetry truly takes me breath away =D. Nawaf <3 You're one heck of a person with so many talents. Hop we would get to know each other more =). I'll remember our time spent here forever! We should hangout sometime when you're in Male'. =). Take good care of yourself. I'll miss you. Keep in Touch! <3"
You~ Dear Mrs Doctor. You give me every reason to remmeber you. I too had/have high hopes for you. I'm glad you met someone who you can related to, if you still think of it like that. Or I guess you found someone else like that by now :) Thanks for really really liking me those few days you did so, means so much to me :D hehe and thank god that you didnt die from breathlessness ;). I too did hope that we would get to know each other more. I did definitely enjoyed those few but sweet moments we shared :) i'll miss you too </3


If I accidently missed anyones note, please do forgive me, I might have accidently misplaced it sometime.
Thanks for being my family. I wish we could have spent more time together.

Miss you Malaka, Zahira, Muhay, Majidh, Afsal, Raudha, Gassan, Raniya, Riyaz, Shaha, Ashraf, Shifana, Madih, Shina,  Jina,  Fazaad,  Faakhira, Ismail, Ainth, yameen, Ayya, Riyasha, Hafee, Adam, AB, Ajoo, Shaaroo, Ashfaan, Miusam, Shayan, Shaheedh, Shany, Axam, Hisham, Ryan, Ahusan, Zana, Maisha & most importantly beloved facilitators Shaam, Falak, Naajy & the very beloved Naafy miss and Salmaatha :)